Boklanseringsseminar: Research Handbook on EEA Internal Market Law

I samarbeid med Senter for europarett arrangerer Norsk forening for europarett et lanseringsseminar for Research Handbook on EEA Internal Market Law, redigert av professor Graham Butler, den 4. mars 2025 klokken 12:00.

Seminaret avholdes på engelsk i lokalene til Det juridiske fakultets lokaler (Domus Juridica), Kristian Augusts gate 17, 8. etasje, rom 8113. Det er også mulig å delta digitalt via Zoom. Ta i så fall kontakt med Simen Hammersvik for å få tilsendt møtelenke.

Detaljer om arrangementet

Join us for the Oslo academic launch of the Research Handbook on EEA Internal Market Law (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2025), in which some of the contributing authors will offer their perspectives. The comprehensive volume delves into the intricacies of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) pillar within the European Economic Area (EEA).

With contributions from leading academics, judges, and practitioners, this new book offers an in-depth analysis and systematic examination of EEA internal market law, based on EEA primary and secondary law, EFTA Surveillance Authority practice, and EFTA Court case-law. 

The handbook is aimed at EEA/EFTA academics, judges, students, civil servants, law firms, national courts, policymakers, and private practitioners. It, and this book launch, seeks to deepen the understanding of EEA internal market law and its unique features.


  • 12:00-12:05: Welcome and Introduction
    Simen Hammersvik, Centre for European Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo. 
  • 12:05-12:15: The EEA Internal Market: A Book
    Graham Butler, Professor of Law, University of Southern Denmark. 
  • 12:15-12:25: The EEA Internal Market: A View from the National Insurance Court
    Dag Sørlie Lund, Judge, National Insurance Court, Oslo. 
  • 12:25-12:35: The EEA Internal Market: A View from a Court of Appeal
    Pål Wennerås, Judge, Borgarting Court of Appeal, Oslo. 
  • 12:35-12:45: A View of the EEA from Political Science
    John Erik Fossum, Professor, ARENA Centre for European Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo.
  • 12:45-13:00: The EEA and Norway at 30
    Guri Rosén, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo; and Head of Secretariat, Norway and the EEA: Development and experiences report (2024).


Centre for European Law and Norwegian Branch of FIDE

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