Hold av datoen: FIDE-kongress i Haag 20-23 mai 2020
Datoen for den neste FIDE-kongressen, den 29. i rekken, ble nylig satt til 20-23 mai 2020. Denne gangen finner kongressen sted i Haag, Nederland.
Norsk forening for europarett er en nasjonal avdeling av FIDE (Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen/International Federation of European Law). Foreningen oppfordrer derfor alle våre medlemmer til å delta på kongressen.
Her er den offisielle kunngjøringen av kongressen, slik den ble sendt ut av arrangørene:
After almost 40 years, the biannual congress of the International Federation of European Law (FIDE) returns to the Netherlands. From 20 to 23 May 2020, the Netherlands Association for European Law (NVER) has the honour of welcoming around 500 specialists in EU law in The Hague for the XXIX edition of this “classic” of EU law. Academia and practice from all over Europe will gather and contribute to in depth discussions on important topics of EU law, which will include the role of national courts in the enforcement of EU Law, the EU data protection regime and the relationship between EU competition law and the digital economy.